ARTIKEL / Gym / Complete Guide to Building a Home Gym: Best Equipment, Design, and Maintenance Tips
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Complete Guide to Building a Home Gym: Best Equipment, Design, and Maintenance Tips


If you want to exercise but don't want to go to a commercial gym, maybe you should start considering building a home gym. Having a home gym at home may now have become a popular trend, especially for people who have busy schedules who want to maintain their health without having to leave. to a commercial gym. By having a home gym at home, you will be able to exercise at any time, without having to feel rushed or facing crowds. Because usually when we are at the gym we will wait for each other to be able to use the equipment that is usually used by many people. So this time we will discuss what are the benefits of having a home gym, we will discuss this starting from the type of equipment that needs to be prepared, to making a home gym, how to layout the room for a home gym, so we will also discuss what tips you can do to maintain the gym area to keep it comfortable and clean.

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There are several benefits that you might get when you create a home gym

  • Time Flexibility: By having a home gym, you don't need to adjust your schedule to the gym's opening hours or even face crowds of people waiting in line to use the equipment. This also allows you to exercise at any time, morning or night.
  • Privacy: Maybe you are one of those people who feel uncomfortable exercising in public, so by building a gym at home you can get complete privacy because only you are using the gym, making you more relaxed and free to move.
  • Cost Efficiency: Even though the initial investment can be said to be high to buy equipment for some people, in the long run by having a gym at home you will save more than paying monthly gym membership fees, so buying gym equipment will cost you a large amount of money at the start alone.
  • Save Time: No more time is wasted on the way to the gym, so you can focus directly on the exercise you are going to do.

In the beginning, maybe you don't need to immediately buy expensive tools, you can start from simple tools. There are several basic equipment that you must have/prepare to create a home gym


  • Yoga Mat: A mat is the simplest tool to have, a yoga mat can function for core training, stretching and yoga.

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  • Dumbbells and Kettlebells: These can provide flexibility for many types of strength training.

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  • Resistance Bands: This is an inexpensive alternative that is very useful for strength training and muscle rehabilitation.


  • Bench: Important for chest presses and other exercises that require additional support.


  • Treadmill or Stationary Bike: this is a viable option or not, if you have more space, cardio equipment such as a treadmill or stationary bike will be very useful.

Once you have the tools, don't forget to determine the location of the room to be used as a gym. Determining the location for your home gym is something that can be said to be important so that training can run more effectively and also for those of us who use it to feel comfortable. Several tips that can be used to determine the room

  • Choose a room that is large enough: Make sure you have enough space to store equipment so that body movements are not disturbed. Moreover, the place must have free space and not be too full so that you can exercise more effectively.
  • Sufficient Lighting: Try to choose a room with natural lighting to give the impression of space and comfort. However, if this is not possible, add bright lights.
  • Good Ventilation: Good air quality can make exercise more enjoyable. However, if the gym is in the basement or even a garage, you should consider adding ventilation or a fan.
  • Safe and Durable Flooring: Use a rubber floor or thick mat to reduce the impact of training and protect your equipment from damage.

Some tips that you might be able to apply so that your home gym remains comfortable to use

  • Consistent with the Space Theme: Choose a certain theme or color that can make you enthusiastic about exercising. By using bright colors such as yellow or green it can help to increase energy.
  • Neat Storage: Using shelves or storage cabinets for small equipment such as dumbbells, resistance bands, or mats keeps the gym looking neat, comfortable, and more organized..
  • Add a Mirror: A large mirror can not only make the gym feel more spacious, but can also help you see whether your training form is correct or not.
  • Sound System: Actually this is optional, you can add speakers or a sound system to make the exercise more enjoyable, especially when exercising using motivating music.

These are the things you have to do so that your home gym can last longer and also avoid damage and avoid dirt and germs.

  • Clean Equipment Regularly: When you use gym equipment, you will definitely sweat, which can create dirt and germs if you never clean it. What you can do is wipe equipment such as dumbbells, treadmills and mats after use, this is used to prevent the buildup of dirt and germs..
  • Check the Condition of Heavy Equipment: If you use heavy equipment such as a treadmill or stationary bike, you must ensure that the equipment is used to check and carry out regular maintenance so that the equipment remains safe to use.
  • Ventilation and Air Quality: Apart from making sure the equipment you use, you also have to make sure the room has good air circulation so that the home gym room is not damp and is comfortable when used. And this can also reduce the possibility of equipment in the home gym being damaged because it is too damp.


Building a home gym at home is a practical solution that you can do to maintain your health and fitness without having to go to a commercial fitness center. By making the right initial investment in tools, choosing the right equipment, and regular maintenance of the tools and space, you can enjoy unlimited exercise at home. Home gyms offer flexibility, comfort and privacy, for those of you who don't want to go to a commercial gym and this is the main factor why many people are now starting to consider the option of building their own home gym.

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