ARTIKEL / Furniture / Sundries Ceiling Light Decoration
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Sundries Ceiling Light Decoration


Lights are one of the important elements in an irreplaceable building. In modern times today, one type of lamp that has undergone varied changes is the ceiling lamp. Changes and advances in the form cannot be separated from the functions and effects given to a room or room.

Here are some ceiling light references for decorating your home.

This first lamp design is a type of white spotlight with a minimalist impression. The types and forms of lamps as above are usually used in semi-public and public spaces. In addition to having a simple design, the white color theme on the lamp frame and chrome material on the lamp stalk gives a positive value when it has been applied to the ceiling of your home.


The second design is a lamp that has wood accents as a finishing shape and as an accent reinforcement.

The indoor lamp has a wide range of light, ideal enough to be applied in almost every room in the house.

The reflection of the glossy wood finish and incandescent lights will certainly add to the comfortable and natural impression.

The third design is a design that has a classic and unique nuance.

The design that utilizes wooden sheets as lamp holders, as well as jars for lamp containers gives its own impression to people who see and enjoy the atmosphere in the room.

If you want to have a unique and memorable atmosphere in your home, a lamp model like this is suitable for you.


The next lamp design is a lamp design made of perforated bamboo.

Want to be creative with the low budget version of the lamp design? This is the choice.

In addition to relatively easy installation, bamboo raw materials themselves are many and easy to find. In addition, giving a varied hole to the bamboo as a lamp cover is one of the options to consider.


The last lamp design is still unique and natural, as well as a good alternative to replace the aluminum lamp holder.

Type L and double L lamps that have wooden stands as above, will break the rigidity of a room because the lamp frame is made of whole wooden blocks.

Of course, choose wood that has been dried and preserved.

Here are other examples of ceiling lights in the stem:


From all the ceiling light references above, happy experimentation and mix n match for your needs.

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