ARTICLE / Building / The Equalizer: Unique-Shaped Building for Artistic Activities Resembling Musical Rhythm

The Equalizer: Unique-Shaped Building for Artistic Activities Resembling Musical Rhythm


The building in Bekasi has a unique name, which is The Equalizer. Certainly, a name not unfamiliar to those who are fond of music-related matters. It's a metaphorical architecture with a concept of rhythm in our lives. Rhythm is the keyword in designing this building, with three main functions: production house, music studio, and ballet studio.

The architect tried to find a common thread among these three activities and came up with the idea of rhythm. This idea was then translated into the form of an equalizer as a representation of rhythm. The ups and downs of the equalizer symbolize the rhythm that is an integral part of artistic activities like film, music, and ballet. Thus, the structure of the building appears like a rhythm that encompasses all its activities.

The building is divided into two mass parts, where the first mass has a higher proportion, and the second mass protrudes forward. This is symbolic of a conductor whose hands move to arrange the rhythm. The space between the two masses is used as an access and forms a T-shaped corridor, creating a cross circulation that divides into three directions, allowing both wind and light to enter and exit.

The shape of the box masses is also adjusted to the type of structure used, providing cost efficiency during the construction process. The use of glass in this building is minimized, mainly due to the primary functions of the music and film studios, which require soundproof spaces. Glass would optimize the sound within the building, making it less audible from the outside. Glass panels are placed on the building's facade. They not only optimize the sound but also serve as a barrier against the west sun, which is the front part of the building.

Regarding the structure, it's designed to be typical and similar to common structures. This is done to achieve efficiency in terms of both cost and structure itself. The concept of the building includes providing communal spaces to attract visitors and incorporating green spaces on each floor.

On the ground floor, there is a small café with a fish pond to cool the air in the main corridor of the building. The parking area and dividing walls are designed with green elements to create a cooler microclimate in the building. The corridor walls are made of soundproof stucco, giving a refreshing impression.

The metaphor of the equalizer is used in various elements of the building, such as the main symbol placed on its facade. The bricks are given sharp lines and emphasized to create a representation of rhythm. The equalizer-like shape is also seen in other parts, like the ceiling lights, door handles, wall decorations, and the ballet studio ceiling.

Green architecture is also integrated into this building. Apart from cross ventilation and greenery, the architect designed 85% of the exterior on the ground floor as green areas used for parking. This area is equipped with grass and grass blocks to absorb rainwater into the ground. Even the grass blocks are arranged uniquely resembling a rhythmic pattern.

Source: the equalizer

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