These 12 Unique Cat House Designs Were Actually Designed for Auction! You'll Definitely Love These Ideas if You're a Cat Lover!

Various architects from Los Angeles, USA have designed a variety of cat houses for auction. This is not your typical cat house. These designs are truly unique with various materials used. The proceeds from these auctions are typically used for the benefit of animal welfare organizations.
Here are the twelve beautiful and unique cat houses:
1. Spiral kitty by DSH Architecture
A cat house with a tapered frame that is colorful and adds beauty to the interior decor. The soft coloring is easy on the eyes, and the use of a tri-color pattern blends seamlessly, avoiding an overwhelming appearance. The placement of the cat box is artistic and flexible, not confined to a rigid structure.
2. CatSCAPE by HOK
This cat house is not just a collection of wooden blocks; it's truly unique. The wooden blocks, initially connected, have been cut into several pieces and carefully arranged to create the illusion of gaps between them. This allows cats to pass through and play. The choice of unobtrusive colors adds simplicity to its design.
3. California Cat Cube by Standard Architecture Design
This block-shaped cat house can be adjusted to have two different appearances. The wooden panels that make up the exterior can be moved to create a straight or tilted configuration. It's simple yet attractive. The unobtrusive color selection makes it look modest.
4. Catleidoscope by Perkins & Will
We know that cats enjoy different heights based on their preferences. This cat house features four spots for cats to relax, making it suitable for those with multiple cats. The uniqueness of this cat house lies in its unusual colors in each cube.
5. Kitty Kurves by Lehrer Architects
This design may be a bit hard to grasp, but it's designed with a cat's behavior in mind. Cats love to jump and squeeze through various holes and openings. Hence, the abundance of unconventional shapes and holes provides entertainment for the cats.
6. Cat in the Fish Bowl by Abramson Teiger Architects
Surprisingly, this design is inspired by a pet that cats often like - fish. It looks like a fishbowl, providing a comfortable space for cats to enter and exit. The use of wood material and curved shapes adds an artistic touch. It's beautiful and impressive.
7. Silhouette by CallisobRTKL
Created using layers of boards, this symmetric cat house looks grand with cats inside. The layered structure ensures that the cat house doesn't appear closed, allowing cats inside to easily see their surroundings while remaining safe and hidden.
8. String Theory by RNL
Combining strings and wooden cubes is a choice for cat house design. Inspired by a cat's natural playfulness, cats can rest and play in this house, much like hamsters with their spinning wheels.
9. Cat-a-Tete by Formation Association, Arktura and BuroHappold
This cat house isn't just for cats; it can also be used as a bench for the owners. Its S-shaped design allows for face-to-face seating. Multiple openings in this design provide spaces for cats to hide, play, rest, and observe.
10. Teatro de Gato by Pfeiffer Partners Architects
With a theater-like design and red wooden accents and curtains, this cat house creates a dramatic atmosphere. Cats can comfortably rest inside. This shelter can also serve as a unique decoration in the home.
11. Lunar Cat Lander by Knowhow Shop
A cat house can include areas for eating and drinking. This design provides a comfortable place for cats to sit and lean.
12. Cat Club by Warren Office + Schmidt Designs
This last design truly pampers cats. It's perfect for hyperactive cats, as it includes carpets for cats to step on and various corridors for them to play in.
source: rumah kucing