ARTICLE / Building / These 7 Unique Buildings Actually Transform the Image of Dark and Menacing Parking Lots into...

These 7 Unique Buildings Actually Transform the Image of Dark and Menacing Parking Lots into...


Population density certainly leads to economic growth in a particular area. It's not just housing needs that increase but also motor vehicles, which become a common sight every day. However, it's not just traffic congestion that's a problem, but also the availability of parking spaces, which can be a serious issue. Imagine in various public places, due to the lack of parking spaces, vehicles are often parked on the side of the road, which inevitably makes the roads narrower. But in some countries, they have truly thought about parking spaces and have designed unique parking structures. Here are some parking buildings from various countries.

1. Engelenschanze Car Park, Stuttgart, Jerman

The parkhaus Engelenschanze

If parking areas are typically seen as dark and gloomy places, it's not the case with this building. Encased in glass walls, natural light floods in, and the building feels more spacious. Inside, you'll find gardens and decorative fountains. This building benefits not only vehicle owners but also contributes to urban design in the city center.

2. Veranda car park, Rotterdam, Belanda

veranda car park

This parking building accommodates up to 650 four-wheeled vehicles. Besides being a parking space, it also houses shops and restaurants. It's not only attractive from the outside but also boasts an appealing interior. The parking area is divided into four underground levels and four upper levels. The ground floor is used for retail shops.

3. Garage No. 1111 Lincoln Street, Miami, US

1111 Lincoln

Designed by Herzog & de Meuron, this Miami parking building is valued at $70 million. Its unusual structure lacks walls, making it visible from the outside. With a capacity for 300 cars, it also features retail shops and a rooftop restaurant with a view of the ocean. Each floor of the building enjoys natural light and a view of Miami's skyline.

4. Santa Monica Civic Center Parking Structure, Calif

santa monica

This parking area is the first to receive LEED certification in the country. This indicates its success in energy conservation and protecting the surrounding environment. With its large size, the building can accommodate 900 cars and has 14 spaces for electric vehicles and bicycle storage. Solar panels serve as an energy source and also provide shade for cars parked on the roof. LED lighting and sustainable materials contribute to the building's environmental friendliness.

5. Garage Tower of the Volkswagen, Jerman

garage tower

Back in Germany, there's another intriguing parking structure. These twin towers are located near the Volkswagen factory. Each 20-story tower can hold 400 cars. After car owners select their vehicles, they are lowered by a machine to the ground floor. Visitors can explore the building with a glass panorama elevator. There's also an observation deck on the 20th floor that provides a panoramic view of the entire factory and the cityscape.

6. Ballet Valet, Miami, US

Ballet Vallet

Miami has been setting parking building trends ever since the construction of Ballet Valet on Miami Beach in 1996. The top-level parking area is covered with trees that grow around the building. This is done to conceal the concrete structure and integrate the building with its surroundings. The ground floor of this building is used as a retail center.

7. Q-Park on Charless Street, Sheffield, England

Q Park

This building is made up of block walls with various angles that create a unique textured appearance. The 10-story building can accommodate 530 vehicles. The parking structure is also conveniently located near various amenities such as the train station, shops, and theaters. There's a height limit of 2 meters for vehicles entering this building.

So, those are 7 parking buildings from various countries. Which parking structure do you think would be suitable for implementation in Indonesia?

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