This Art Studio Design will Make Painters More Excited to Work

Designing a workspace in the house must certainly make people in it comfortable and not depressed. A relaxed atmosphere is needed so that work can look fun and more effective. But what about a workspace for art enthusiasts?
The room in the house needs to be tailored to the owner. For owners who work in the field of art, of course, they want a more inspiring workspace so that they can provide new ideas for their work. The following designs will be suitable to be applied as an art activist's workspace, especially in the art of drawing or painting.

The workspace directly adjacent to the courtyard is more refreshing in the room. In addition, the door is made into a sliding door so that the room can be maximized. The spotlights on the ceiling help to show what the work looks like when it is displayed or shown in the gallery.

There's never anything wrong with using white. This color makes the room bright and spacious. The work studio is equipped with various furniture to place painting tools such as the stroller above. Make it easy when carrying a large number of tools.

In addition to strengthening the roof of the building, the use of plane truss on the roof support provides aesthetic value to the room. The room on the roof is left semi-open on its walls so that air circulation can enter and exit regularly. Of course, it will provide freshness while working with the breeze passing through the room.

Quite simple for a workspace. By arranging various tables and a long table as the main table to place items. Lighting and air circulation from outside the room are also maximized with sliding glass windows that can be opened wide.

An artistic impression is given to the floor of the room. This white room with patterns on the floor already shows the uniqueness of this space itself.

Previously, there were many designs that showed open spaces. This design is different. With wooden materials throughout the room, it shows a warm and closed space. With some natural lighting through the windows and also a lamp in the middle of the ceiling.

A hardworking person wants to be able to create at all times. Whether it's morning or night because inspiration can come suddenly. For this reason, the room must be able to provide enough lighting for this painter to continue working at night. With the dominant white paint and also a bright chandelier will provide light when the painter makes his work.
The use of materials will affect the atmosphere of the space. In this design, the use of concrete and gray floor gives a cold and cool feel. A room that suits the user's interests can provide inspiration in pouring his work because of the comfort caused by the design.

The use of natural materials such as natural stones and natural colors shown in the design above will be good for the relaxation of the painter. It can be seen from the flower-shaped painting that the painter really likes and enjoys nature and its surroundings.
If you do not have a large space, the corner of the hallway in the house can also function as an art studio. The table is placed following the line of the existing wall. the colors in the space, namely black and white, are very comfortable to the eye. Equally important is the natural lighting from the skylight.

The unusual shape of the space can also fulfill the eccentric desires of art enthusiasts. The trapezoid-shaped room helps the painter to think out of the box. Openings are also maximized on one side which is directly faced with the garden of the house. Of course, the garden also helps the painter to relax more.

An art studio that is not connected to the rest of the house can also be an option. Away from the noise and hustle and bustle of the house, painters can work on their art more comfortably. Not far from the separate room, there is also a swimming pool that can help clear your mind by swimming or just relaxing around it.
Still in the studio space separated from the main house, this design provides a large opening in the corner of the room through the folding door. Unique and also unusual to put an opening in that area. The eccentric room shows that the owner also has a high sense of art.