ARTICLE / Building / This Tropical House Design Has Unique Style and is Located in Badung, Bali.

This Tropical House Design Has Unique Style and is Located in Badung, Bali.


For those of you who still miss the Bali atmosphere, you can bring that vibe into your home by designing a residence like this. You can take inspiration from the Bali Harmoni Tibubeneng housing project located in Badung, Bali. This dwelling's design is infused with the unmistakable Balinese ambiance. Curious? Let's discuss it step by step.

Fasad rumah yang terinspirasi dari proyek Bali Harmoni di Badung Bali

Bali Harmoni embraces the concept of Modern Tropical Balinese House. Made Ngurah Dewana, the architect behind Bali Harmoni, reveals that, true to its name, this house combines modern tropical elements with the traditional Balinese house touch. In the design image of the Bali Harmoni house, you can see that the lower part of the roof is left uncovered, allowing you to see its construction. Another characteristic of Balinese design is the entrance. Balinese houses typically feature a small gate with stone walls and 1-3 steps.

Pintu masuk rumah pada Bali Harmoni

The door consists of two door leaves, traditionally called "gebyok." The Balinese traditional vibe is enhanced when you use teak wood. The abundance of room openings makes this house feel very connected to its natural surroundings.

Ruang tamu di Bali Harmoni

Meanwhile, the interior looks modern yet natural with the use of unpainted wooden furniture. The marble floor gives the room a cool atmosphere. Neutral colors like brown and gray characterize the natural Balinese house, combined with the minimalist modern elements that are currently in trend.

Furniture meja makan di Bali Harmoni.

The choice of the kitchen set, dining table, and chairs still uses wood as the primary material. Even a wooden slab-shaped dining table can become a beautiful piece of furniture that characterizes the natural Bali-style home.

Salah satu kamar yang berada di pinggir kolam renang

The bedroom with direct access to the swimming pool resembles a modern villa in Bali. The floor-to-ceiling sliding door adds a touch of luxury. Moreover, it aims to maximize natural light entering the room.

Bagian lantai 2 yang memiliki balkon bisa juga menjadi area makan bersama

In addition to the first floor, you can also enjoy beautiful views by adding a balcony next to the bedrooms. You can also add tables and chairs to create a communal dining area. Dim candlelight and soft ambient lighting by the poolside enhance the romantic atmosphere.

Kamar mandi yang setengah tertutup ini mencirikan bangunan khas Bali

There's something interesting when you look at the bathroom in Bali Harmoni. The bathroom's roof is not entirely closed. According to Ngurah, this concept of a bathroom with a partially open roof characterizes typical Balinese architecture.


Isn't this eccentric house fascinating? If you can't go to Bali, bring Bali into your home by blending the Bali concept with your desired style.

See you in the next article...

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