ARTICLE / Building / Tiny Residential Homes in Madrid To Live and Work Efficiently

Tiny Residential Homes in Madrid To Live and Work Efficiently


Still revolving around residential houses with mini sizes, this time the shelter house in Madrid is quite eye-catching. Because this house only has an area of 21 square meters and can meet the needs of homeowners. The shape of the house that extends with a rectangular building base utilizes the height of the room to expand the usefulness of the room.

With a building volume of 100 cubic meters, the building is divided through its stairs. In the first part, through the entrance, visitors will be directly faced with the kitchen area and storage cabinets. Each room is left open and does not use partitions or doors to other spaces. Even the bathroom area is open.

Yep! The bathroom area that is right under the kitchen space is left without partitions either to the toilet area or the bathtub. This built-in designed bathtub is square in shape inspired through a steam bath from Turkey called hammam. Just above the bathtub area, you can see under to put some items connected to the floor of the front door of the building.

Go up again through the stairs to the lounge which is right in the middle of the building. Not only as a relaxing place, this room is also useful as a living room, family room and dining room. Multifunctional space that provides flexibility for users to carry out activities. Not only there is a sofa, the floor in this room can also be opened so that there is a mini warehouse to store the owner's belongings.

From the lounge area, you can see two rooms separated by height, namely the bedroom and also the workspace. In the lower area, the bedroom only has a mattress that is enough for one person only. This room is equipped with open shelves hanging on the wall and wardrobes on the opposite wall.

Then in the space above, by using a ladder that is on the wall, the owner can reach the workspace. Equipped with work tables and chairs, providing considerable space. In addition, there are also glass windows on the roof that maximize room lighting in the morning and afternoon. Do not forget also ornamental plants to give other colors to the room.

It can be seen the use of white on the floor and walls to maximize lighting so that it can be reflected throughout the room. Color is only found in the furniture.

This house even with its small size, wants to offer a welcoming space for the owner and also the quantity of spaces with different functions. As well as the living room which is also used as a storage area for goods, then the kitchen room which is also only used as a circulation area to the living room. The stairs leading to the workspace can also function to relax enjoying the sky view. This living room is indeed the main circulation area in the house because it is connected to four stairs that connect the spaces.

To reach space horizontally or vertically does require more effort because it is not connected in a straight line. The owner must often go up and down the stairs which of course requires the dynamism of the homeowner's movement. Although still in one large volume without partitions, this design can provide a different sensation for each owner to be in a different space.

photo source: Elena Almagro

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