Transparent Buildings That Make People Curious About What's Inside

When it comes to building a house, the choice of materials is carefully considered, from the structural components to the roof covering. However, some buildings use a unique material called polycarbonate as the wall enclosure. This is done to allow natural light to enter and diffuse within the building. Surprisingly, this material, more commonly used for roofing, can make these buildings appear more beautiful and unique. Here are some buildings that use polycarbonate as wall cladding:
1. Nest We Grow
This building was designed for the International LIXIL Competition in 2014. The team, consisting of two people from Taiwan, two from China, and one from America, won the competition. The concept behind this public space building was to use renewable materials. This public gathering space is intended for enjoying local food and community. Asian influences are evident in the extensive use of wood throughout the building.
The use of polycarbonate as the wall enclosure makes the building feel unique and inviting. The light that enters or exits the building appears softer, and the building has a transparent quality thanks to the white dove-colored polycarbonate.
sumber: nest we grow
2. New Casa Triangulo
The use of polycarbonate in this building comes from a contemporary art gallery in Brazil. The building has been in operation for 28 years and has a serene white exterior. From the side facing the street, the use of polycarbonate on the walls is clearly visible. Light-transmitting panels are placed in rows on the walls to allow natural light to enter during the day and provide a unique glow at night. Material efficiency was considered in the selection of materials for this building.
sumber: new casa triangulo
3. Schoolgarden
As the name suggests, Schoolgarden is designed to be a school for agriculture and animal husbandry. The school, which is 6 meters wide and 100 meters long, uses timber structures and trusses. All classroom spaces, animal areas, and crop cultivation areas are in a single row without spaces in between due to budget constraints.
The use of polycarbonate can also be a cost-effective solution in construction due to its affordability. Rooms with polycarbonate walls are ideal for cultivation areas, functioning similarly to greenhouses for plant growth.
sumber: school garden
4. Polycarbonate Cabin
As the name implies, this unique mini cabin has polycarbonate walls. This small cabin, designed for two people, is one of the rental residences in a coastal area in Chile. The limited budget wasn't the only challenge in designing this house; architect Alejandro Soffia also had to contend with an existing house next to the lot. Natural light was limited because of the neighboring house, so the architect chose polycarbonate as the wall material due to its light-transmitting properties.
sumber: polycarbonate cabin
5. Seasonless House
Located in Spain, the Seasonless House showcases a Mediterranean style. The white color throughout the building efficiently responds to the climate and sun's heat. The house's construction uses a modular system. By using polycarbonate, the house has a simultaneously open and closed appearance. The light diffusion from inside the building is also beautiful from the outside, illuminating the building and adding a touch of color. Not only is the exterior predominantly white, but the interior also feels spacious and large thanks to this neutral color.
Sumber: Seasonless house