Various kitchens that will not make you bored of cooking

The development of various types of furniture in the modern era like now makes many choices of goods with certain concepts to fill various home furniture, especially for mothers who must crave a comfortable atmosphere and not boring when cooking in the kitchen, aiming to be able to create secret recipes that are even more delicious of course. We will provide some solutions here... chirp
1. Kitchen with Modern Minimalist concept
One type of concept that is booming, this concept is very loved by many people today because of its simple and low budget shape, can use a small room to a large room to use this concept, usually prefer a space that tends to be small so that it looks more cute and minimal movement, so that the reach is close to taking kitchen utensils.
2. Kitchen with Mini-Futuristic concept
This model tends to be more natural with ventilation and direct openings to open spaces because it emphasizes the natural context, can combine colors as desired. This type is wider in terms of the wearer's space. Using a minimalist hanging cabinet shape. A touch of wood motifs on the floor makes a natural atmosphere that is thicker with the open space at the back of the kitchen
3. Kitchen with Elegant Minimalist concept
This type gives the impression of calm, cooking as well as being able to relax the mind from the many complex home and office tasks, combining dark colors with the sunset atmosphere in the hanging cabinet, as if we are looking at an open window with a beautiful view of the vast sunset. Very interesting isn't it!!
4. Kitchen with Semi Classic concept
Using a classic hanging cabinet motif with a combination of glass and dish racks and glasses that are quite a lot to be exposed, the lower cabinet uses iron legs under the kitchen that further strengthens this concept, displays many drawers with a little carving with a combination of soft brown and black colors, in another part a mini bar is provided that is suitable for those of you who like coffee or tea in the morning and evening. This room uses soft light at night while during the day uses sunlight that enters through the window. Guaranteed to save the cost of paying your home's monthly electricity payment!
5. Kitchen with Modern Classic concept
Classic but Modern??? Heheheh... Don't be confused first, this concept is a combination of classic models with a modern touch of the present, using a lighting system that is quite overlighting combining it with soft creamy colors to keep classic elements thick, and the existence of a mini bar with white elements that are set in such a way as to make this space more modern and look very luxurious, delicious...
Well... What do you guys think??? Have you thought of the right choice for your kitchen design? Comfortable cooking, cooking will be even more delicious... nyam nyam...
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Credit By M. Choirul Maruf