With Just Paper, You Can Create Unique Christmas Decorations Like These

Tradisi menghias pohon natal menjadi salah satu kegiatan yang bisa kamu lakukan di rumah saat hari natal. Nah, bagi kamu yang masih bingung mencari hiasan untuk pohon natalmu, tidak perlu bingung lagi karena kamu bisa membuatnya sendiri di rumah. Kamu tidak perlu biaya mahal karena yang kamu butuhkan hanyalah kertas! Irit kan?
The paper you prepare will be folded using origami techniques to create Christmas symbols like Christmas trees, reindeer, and Santa Claus. Besides using them as decorations on your Christmas tree, you can also stick or hang these papers on the wall. It can be a unique and affordable decoration, isn't it?
Well, don't wait any longer, grab your paper and start folding as instructed below!
1. Christmas Tree
The symbol of spiritual growth can be made using origami techniques! Follow the steps below to create a paper Christmas tree!
2. Snowman
Making a snowman has become a tradition for people in cold weather countries. For them, the snowman is a symbol of winter joy. Since winter always coincides with Christmas, the snowman has also become a Christmas symbol. Well, even though there is no snow in Indonesia, you can now make your own snowman! Let's follow the steps below!
3. Wreath/Door Decoration
This decoration often appears on the door or walls of houses when Christmas arrives. It's a circular shape arranged neatly with twigs, flowers, leaves, and fruits. This decoration symbolizes eternity. For those of you who want to make it in an easy version, you can make it from paper using origami techniques as shown below!
4. Santa Claus
Who doesn't know this particular grandpa? He always enlivens Christmas! Santa Claus is known as a plump, white-bearded grandpa wearing a red hat and suit. The term Santa Claus is given to commemorate Saint Nicholas, who was a bishop from Myra in the 4th century. He was known as a generous and helpful person. Well, this time you can make a Santa Claus-shaped Christmas decoration too. You can see the steps below for how!
5. Star
With just a piece of paper, you can create a star-shaped decoration for your Christmas tree! To create this symbol of the birth of Jesus, follow the steps below!
6. Poinsettia Flower
The beautiful flower called Poinsettia symbolizes the growth of faith and new hope because of the birth of the Savior. Can you imagine how beautiful your Christmas tree will be with Poinsettia flower decorations? Hurry and make an origami Poinsettia flower with 2 sheets of green and red colored paper as shown in the steps below!
7. Reindeer
The reindeer is a loyal animal pulling the sleigh ridden by Santa Claus. Because of this companionship, they seem inseparable. Well, to accompany the origami Santa Claus you have made, you can add this origami reindeer. It's not too difficult, follow the steps below!