ARTICLE / Bath and Bed / Choosing the Right Bedding and How It Can Benefit Your Health

Choosing the Right Bedding and How It Can Benefit Your Health


If you're like most people, you probably don't put a lot of thought into your bedding. After all, it's just something to sleep on, right? Wrong. The truth is that your bedding can have a major impact on your health.


But how exactly does it affect your overall well-being? Here's what you need to know about choosing the proper bedding and how it can improve your health.


How To Choose a Proper Bedding 

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We understand that there are numerous things to consider when looking for proper bedding. Read the following factors of bedding to purchase the right one for you.



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When choosing the size of the bedding, you would have to consider the size of the bed and mattress and the owner of the bedding.


For example, you’re looking to purchase bedding that fits your bed’s unique frame. Therefore, you should purchase from a company that offers a great bedding option. By doing so, you can ensure that the bedding you choose is up to your needs and preferences.


Whether you’re purchasing bedding for adults or children, it’s recommended that you purchase one that’s one size up. For example, if you have a double bed, purchase a king-sized bedding.

Thread Count

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You have to consider the number of threads in your bedding. If you didn’t know, thread count entails the number of threads per square inch of the bedding’s fabric. Remember that it’s typically only used for reference for cotton bedding. The higher the thread count for cotton bedding, the more luxe it feels.


Look for beddings that have a thread count between 200 and 800. Thread counts that are lower than 180 tend to have a rougher texture. You can typically find the thread count in the product’s details, among the bedding measurements.


Terms like weft and warp tend to make customers nervous. However, don’t fret since it only entails the direction of the threads. If it’s weft, it means that manufacturers threaded it horizontally. On the other hand, manufacturers threaded it vertically if it has the word warp.

Bedding Materials

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There are four common bedding materials on the market: cotton, linen, and a mix of both. Let’s talk about what you need to know about these materials.


100% cottonIf you didn’t know, cotton is a natural fibre. Thus, 100% cotton means that it’s 100% natural. These beddings would be an expensive investment, but it offers a relaxed and comfortable sleep like no other. It’s highly durable and it’s easy to take care of. You can wash it often; ensure that you follow its washing instructions.


Synthetic cotton. If you want a bedding that’s much easier on the bank account, but has the same comfortability as natural cotton beddings, then opt for synthetic cotton! These beddings are created using advanced materials, e.g., polyester, to provide sublime easy care and comfort. If you have a busy lifestyle, get polyester cotton bedding to match your hectic lifestyle and still live comfortably.


100% linenIf you want a more durable option, purchase 100% linen bedding. It has a neutral pH level, which makes it anti-static and hypoallergenic, perfect for individuals with skin issues. It’s incredibly breathable, and it can regulate one’s body temperature. It's low maintenance, and you can relax more.


Cotton/linen mixYou can get the best of both worlds with the cotton/linen mix. You can enjoy the breathability and durability of linen while enjoying the pleasures, relaxation, and ease of cotton.

Health Benefits of a Proper Bedding

After choosing the best out of the factors mentioned above, you can now step closer every time to reaching the perfect bedding for your home and achieve deeper and better sleep and relaxation.

Protection For Your Skin

Once you’ve purchased bedding perfect for you, your skin, and your health, you’re taking one step further to ensure that your skin is protected and away from any allergies. Some beddings tend to accumulate dust mites more quickly than others.


It would help if you looked for beddings that don’t do this. Of course, you would also have to regularly clean your bedding to ensure that you don’t let allergens marinate in your bed and beddings.


A brand new and quality bedding helps consumers think about the quality of textiles. Don’t skimp down on the quality of your beddings.


Final Thoughts

We all understand the importance of a good mattress, but many fail to realize the importance of suitable bedding. A mattress, just like bedding, are factors that contribute to a good night’s sleep. Thus, it would help if you focus on it when choosing.


Choose your comfort and well-being by being meticulous in your decision-making process. Consider the above mentioned factors when choosing and transforming your bedroom into a calm, relaxing oasis.

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