ARTIKEL / Building / This House Design is Suitable for Newly Married Couples
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This House Design is Suitable for Newly Married Couples


Young newly-married couples want to have their own home. The increasingly expensive house prices make young couples choose a compact residence, especially since they are still living together. To have a compact home design, the arrangement and furniture are minimalist and functional. However, you can still get a unique and comfortable residential design.

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For those of you who are looking for compact residential inspiration, this tiny house called RoadHaus might be your reference. This house is elongated and has a platform with wheels underneath. Because it is narrow, the arrangement of this residence looks quite minimalist. Consisting of a terrace area, living room, kitchen, bathroom, and one master bedroom that is on a straight line. All rooms will be visible when the front door is opened wide.

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The materials used also adjust to the residential design, such as the use of glass that dominates this small house. Glass is used at the entrance, windows, and ceiling with a large enough size. The use of glass is so that sunlight can enter the house during the day, so that the room looks brighter and more spacious. For the foundation, this house uses a lightweight steel frame with the outside covered with cement boards painted black.

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The ceiling of the house was also made higher and slanted at the back of the house ranging from 2.7 - 3 meters. A high ceiling was made to facilitate air circulation. This sloping roof shape succeeded in making the residential design more unique. The roof material uses an array of wood and corrugated metal roofing on the outside. The use of wood material is also applied to the floor to make the feel of the house more comfortable.

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Entering the family room, there is a fireplace at the bottom of the TV that makes the room warmer, considering its location around the forest. This fireplace is also used as a table. Meanwhile, the sitting area uses a sofa that can accommodate quite a lot of people, equipped with an additional chandelier above it.

Next to the TV area, there is a single-line kitchen cabinet with a fairly limited size, but it still feels spacious thanks to its simple arrangement. The kitchen is right near the window so that the smell of smoke from cooking can come out directly. The storage area also utilizes the side of the cabinet with an open concept. What's interesting is the combination of wood material and silver-colored ceramic backsplash, making this area look more stunning.

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The bathroom is located opposite the kitchen area. Elongated in shape, this bathroom still feels spacious when used. The bathroom also looks futuristic with the use of the same ceramic material as the backsplash in the kitchen area. The mirror and glass on the ceiling make the bathroom look more spacious.

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Meanwhile, at the end of the house, it is used as the only bedroom. Occupying the remaining area, the bedroom is filled with a large bed and a TV hanging on the wall. During the day, there is no need for additional lighting thanks to the glass on the ceiling.

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With the right arrangement and function, limited space is not an obstacle to having a comfortable home for your small family.



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