ARTICLE / Home Decor / Placing and Arranging Photo Frames on the Wall to Make the House More Stunning

Placing and Arranging Photo Frames on the Wall to Make the House More Stunning


The walls of the house can not only be decorated with unique wallpaper, colorful wall paint, or carved ornaments on the walls. The wall can also be decorated with lights, clocks, or various items that can be hung. Well, one of the interesting things is of course when the walls of the house are decorated with photos or paintings. Not only as decoration, these photos also provide flashbacks of memories at the time the photo was taken.

Of course, placing photos and pictures on the wall also needs to be considered. Not only attached to the wall of the house, but also must be arranged beautifully and attractively. Proper arrangement and placement will make the eyes comfortable to look at as well as to enjoy the image.

The room, which is decorated with walls and furniture all white, can be beautified with frames or pictures that also have monotonous white and black colors. So that the frame of the image looks disguised and also stands out at the same time.

The stairs in the house are one suitable place to put family photos on the wall. The photo frame is adjusted to the color found in the space, which is a dark color. The photos also stand out on the white wall.

Not just family photos that look happy, by making unique photos like in the picture, it can also decorate the walls at home. This portrait of the bottom of the head is very unique and funny, plus the size of the photo is enlarged and placed as high as the door of the room.

Arranged in parallel and neatly, it can beautify the whole room. White frames combined with photos of iconic places when you travel. So it reminds you of the memories of the place.

The arrangement of landscape and portrait photos is combined with each other to form a certain pattern and still look neat. The size of the photo will be even better if you adjust it to the place you will decorate. As in the picture, place the photo and the size is adjusted to the location and size of the sofa.

You can also use your old photos with 4R size or photos from polaroid cameras to beautify your walls. By placing the rope on the wall and forming a pattern, the rope can be used to place photos by clamping. Attractive and also beautify the room.

Now if this one photo has been greatly enlarged to as wide and high as the wall of the house. As wallpaper, this black and white photo can blend well with the whole room.

Come back again by placing the photo in the staircase area. The arrangement of photos stepped like stairs will look attractive and also adjust people's views when looking at the photo. So that the height of the photo will remain comfortable in the eye.

For those who love their children, putting photos of children from childhood will store certain memories. In addition, it will cause a more familiar atmosphere among family members. Neatly arranged with a square photo shape.

Now if the preparation of this photo will be very stunning for your room. Your portrait or other image is broken into several 4R size photos which later if arranged will form your photo in large size.

You can decorate the hallway of the house that usually feels boring with various photos attached to the two walls. People who pass through this hallway will certainly be entertained by an interesting view that makes them enjoy the mini photo gallery in your home.

If you discussed the photo frame that is in harmony with the theme of the room, this one arrangement is quite bold. By placing various colors of frames will make the room look fun and cheerful. So it seems more dramatic too with the black and white photos.


Small photos contain family photos arranged into a heart shape. This arrangement will show how valuable the people in the photo are. This formation is an expression of your love for your family.

The arrangement of photos that are also combined with a wall clock will look unique as in the picture. Put photos of your loved ones at a certain direction and spend time with them.

The frame in the frame as in the picture above will give the illusion that the painting on display looks large and magnificent. Even though the outermost frame is only a wooden frame that blends with the walls of the room.

The photo placed on the wall with the image of this tree is quite interesting to apply. In addition to showing family trees, formations like this can also teach children to know their extended family. The preparation of the photo was placed on the image of a branch on the tree.

The arrangement of nine photos is always right to make the house more alive. Photos of children as children as children and growing up are displayed and equipped with motivational words. Give a special encouragement to parents when seeing these photos.

If the size of your photos varies, you need to put the photo with the largest size in the middle of the wall. This is how people are used to focusing one thing when looking at a glance at a room whether it's on a flashy, large object or right in the middle of the room. By placing a large photo in the middle, the focus on the room will not be divided. Don't forget also other photos are arranged following the photo that becomes the center of the wall.

The arrangement of photos that are symmetrical and diverse like this one image is also quite interesting you put in your room. The photo is made not to fill the entire frame and adjusted in size. Not only attached to the wall but also stacked with smaller frames on it. Gives a different feel from the arrangement of frames in general.

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