ARTICLE / Pool / Tips for Swimming Pool Maintenance

Tips for Swimming Pool Maintenance


Here are Tips for Maintaining a Swimming Pool to keep it clean and clear.

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Many people have swimming pools at home, but they still don't know how to properly maintain a swimming pool.

Swimming pool maintenance is essential to keep the pool water clear and clean. A pool that is not regularly cleaned can become a breeding ground for diseases, mosquitoes, and other dangerous risks, especially for the residents of the house.


1. Perform regular treatments

Pool Cleaning 101: How to Clean a Pool - Woodfield Outdoorssource :

A clean and healthy pool will surely refresh swimmers. Pool treatment must be done at least twice a week. What treatments should be done?

The series of treatments that need to be done for your swimming pool include removing debris such as leaves, branches, or other dirt in the pool.

In addition, vacuuming is also needed for dirt that has settled on the bottom of the swimming pool. So, even if your swimming pool looks clear, we recommend that you continue to perform regular treatments to ensure the health of the pool water.


2. Balance the water chemistry

Standar Klorin Kolam Renang - Jasa Ukur Ujisource :

The key to keeping pool water clear and odorless is the presence of chemical mixtures in the water.

You only need to balance these chemicals with the volume or size of the swimming pool. To find out, you only need a basic understanding to balance the chemicals.

You should also avoid adding chemicals like chlorine excessively to the pool. This can make the chemical smell dominant in the pool and can cause eye and skin irritation.


3. Backwash the swimming pool filter

Backwashing adalah? Bagaimana cara backwas?source :

By backwashing the swimming pool filter, it will affect the water filtration in the swimming pool.

The use of chemicals and pool maintenance is indeed very important. However, if you do not pay attention to this one thing, the pool water produced will not be maximally clear.

The filter backwashing process is very important to produce clear and healthy water. Backwashing the filter does not mean draining the media inside it. You just need to select the backwash mode on the multiport and let the filter rinse automatically.

The function of backwashing is to prevent dirt from clumping and settling in the pool filter, so it does not interfere with the optimal filtration system of your pool.

To produce clear and good pool water, this filter cleaning should be done at least once a week. Ideally, it should be done after the regular vacuuming process, and the duration is about 1 minute. In that 1 minute, the water mixed with dirt will be automatically drained into your pool's drainage system.


4. Use baking soda

Gak Cuma Buat Kue, Ini Manfaat Luar Biasa Baking Soda lho Bun

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If the cost of chemicals is too high, you can use baking soda to save on expenses. You will often be advised to use a sodium bicarbonate-based solution to help control the pool water's alkalinity. Baking soda contains the same amount of sodium bicarbonate as most solutions, so it's relatively easy to substitute it from one pound to another.


5. Use manual filtering equipment

Pembersih Kolam Renang Mana Yang Perlu Anda Miliki? Berikut Jenisnyasource :

This pool maintenance method is quite easy to do; you can use manual filtering equipment to keep the pool clean from fallen dry leaves and debris. Pool maintenance equipment includes a pool leaf skimmer, pool brush, telescopic handle, vacuum head, and vacuum hose.


6. Routinely run the pool pump for a minimum of 6 hours

3 Rekomendasi Pompa Kolam Renang yang Bagus - WATERCO CENTRAL Indonesiasource :

If your swimming pool has a pump, it's advisable to regularly run the pump for at least 6 hours every day. The goal is to maintain good water circulation in the pool.

Furthermore, the machine will help filter out dirt and debris present in the pool. As a result, the pool water will remain clear and free from algae and cloudiness.


7. Inspect the surface

Swimming pool in summer time

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It cannot be denied that you should frequently inspect the pool surface every day, so make sure you have the necessary tools. A long-handled skimmer is excellent for collecting all the leaves, hair, wrappers, and other debris that may enter the pool overnight. Even if your pool is covered, it's advisable to skim it at least twice a week because something will always get in. In addition to monitoring the pool's chemical content, you need to regularly measure the physical water level.

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