Yogyakarta!!! Recommended Historical Buildings that must be visited during Vacation.

The city of Yogyakarta or commonly known as Jogja is one of the famous cities in Central Java with Gudeg as its specialty. In Jogja, there are many tourist attractions, old buildings, villas, various culinary delights and many more that you must visit when you are in the City of Students.
Therefore, exploring Jogja will be endless, how could it not be? Besides having tourist attractions that can be visited, Jogja also has high historical values. For example, with the existence of historic old buildings.m
Well, back to discussing tourism in Jogja. This time we will recommend places - old building tourist attractions in Jogja, there you can capture photos and can also learn from several building options and historic buildings that you must visit.
Let's take a look at this article, who knows it can be useful for those of you who want to vacation in this City of Students. Happy Reading!!!
1. Yogyakarta Palace
The palace is the official palace of the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Sultanate located in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The area of the palace has 14,000 square meters in which there are also many buildings used for the residence of the Sultan and his family and servants in the palace.
2. Taman Sari Yogyakarta
This historical place has a building area of about 10 hectares, Taman Sari is often used by the palace family to bathe and release fatigue and fatigue. On the other hand, this building can also function as protection if there is an attack.
3. Sasmitaloka Museum of Panglima Besar Jenderal Sudirman
Sasmitaloka in Javanese means a place to remember and commemorate General Sudirman's service and dedication.
4. Museum of Yogya Kembali Monument
This museum is an old building that you must visit, this is because this building has a fairly unique shape with a mountain-like shape.
Make no mistake, with this shape this museum has a meaning, namely fertility and preservation of history from ancestors.
This monument was built to commemorate the re-establishment of Yogyakarta as the capital of the Republic of Indonesia. The building consists of 3 floors:
The first floor contains collections around the proclamation of Indonesian Independence, contains collections about the guerrilla war.
The 2nd floor contains a collection of guerrilla warfare with the Samestu People's Defense system.
The 3rd floor contains collections related to the 1949 general attack defense system.
5. Baluwerti Fort Yogyakarta
This museum is a kingdom where the King and his family live, therefore this building has layered protection in order to ward off attacks from enemies. This building can also be used to protect the core area of the palace and become one of the witnesses to the history of the Yogyakarta palace government.
With this museum, you can take a vacation and gain knowledge when visiting the relics of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono 1.