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Usually, houses in Indonesia still feature concrete stairs compared to wooden stairs and minimalist iron stairs. Minimalist iron stairs are usually present for access to service areas such as the laundry area. Meanwhile, minimalist wooden stairs are typically used in gardens or yards as outdoor wooden stairs or handyman wooden stairs. Wooden material is also used for stair railings, steps, or the area under the stairs. However, minimalist wooden stairs have advantages over concrete stairs and iron stairs. Minimalist wooden stairs design is the best choice for those living in small houses. This option doesn't require too much space but can make the interior of the house look more aesthetic and warm. Wood is one of the favorite materials for filling various parts of the house, including stairs. Usually, people choose wooden stairs to create a warm and traditional atmosphere at the same time. In addition, wood can also be combined with a minimalist home design. Minimalist house stair designs have characteristics of simple shapes, modern, bright colors, and multifunctional. So, what does the minimalist wooden stair design look like?

1. Wooden Glass Stairs

Look at these wooden and glass stairs; they look very luxurious, right? With the combination of wood, glass, and lights, these stairs look airy yet luxurious. This stair model is not only suitable for homes but can also be used in offices, so your office will look more minimalist and luxurious at the same time. This stair is also charming because of the light reflections on the glass. Maintenance may require extra effort; usually, you need to clean the glass area beside the stairs regularly.

2. Super Minimalist Vertical Wooden Stairs

To save space, you can narrow the area for making stairs. You can make smaller steps. To ensure safety and maintain the aesthetics of this minimalist house stair design, you can add a unique design to the railing. The risk of making these stairs is the slightly steep angle, so you need to be careful when going up and down the stairs.

3. Wooden Stairs with a Slide

A wooden stair model with a slide? Why not? If you have a family and young children, this model is perfect for young families. Although it may seem challenging to create minimalist stairs with a slide, this is an example that can be imitated. It's very unique, isn't it? You can also use your stairs as a play area for children, of course, with the supervision of parents or adults. In addition to its beautiful design, it is attractive and very creative.

4. Multifunctional Wooden Stairs

This drawer-style wooden stair model looks like an ordinary staircase when the door is closed. But when you look closer, you can see that there are many drawers. The architect has calculated the efficiency of all available space optimally, so you can store various items in the drawers. For minimalist houses, stair models like this are very suitable for saving space and making storage more efficient so that the house looks neater. Are you interested in this multifunctional wooden stair model?

5. Wooden Carpet Stairs

Wooden stairs with carpets may not be commonly found in Indonesia but can be imitated. This wooden stair model with carpets is something we often find in the UK. This model is popular in the UK because it's simple and warm underfoot. If you want a wooden stair model that is rarely used in Indonesia, you can apply this stair model to your dream home. Of course, this stair model will cost you more in terms of budget and maintenance.

6. Wooden Stairs and Old Trees

The architect utilized an old tree that was no longer in use as part of the minimalist house stairs. The design of these minimalist wooden stairs is really cool, especially when you look at the wooden stair railing. There are so many choices for minimalist wooden stairs that can beautify your home; you can choose one of them. Before designing stairs, don't forget to calculate the size of the stairs and the construction of the wooden stairs so that it doesn't inconvenience the residents of the house. For those of you who are interested in having wooden stairs, try looking for manufacturers who sell wooden stairs to get affordable wooden stairs. Don't forget to find out the price of minimalist wooden stairs for houses; surely each manufacturer sets a different price for minimalist wooden stairs.

I hope this article is helpful, and good luck trying it out! Always make sure to adjust to your respective budgets :)

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