ARTIKEL / Building / Let's get to know the Teletubbies House in Yogyakarta! Unique and adorable too!
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Let's get to know the Teletubbies House in Yogyakarta! Unique and adorable too!


Remember the devastating earthquake that hit the city of Yogyakarta a few years ago? More precisely on May 27, 2005 at 05.55 WIB for 57 seconds with a strength of 5.9 SR. One of the impacts of the earthquake was the destruction of Prabanan Temple, the ancient site suffered severe damage from the disaster so it had to be closed to repair the damage.

According to, the Yogya earthquake that occurred this time was one of the biggest earthquakes present in Indonesia. But in 2018 there is something that attracts the attention of netizens to Ngelepen Prambanan Village, to increase tourism to this Jogja city. The original name of the village is "New Ngelepen" in which there are 80 buildings consisting of 71 houses for villagers, 6 MCK facilities, 1 mosque, 1 hall and 1 health clinic. Want to see the various uniqueness of the tourist village? Let's explore together


Teletubbies House Shaped 


Because of the unique shape of the building, it is curved and the walls and roof are joined together. Making this building more familiar with one of the cartoons ... Yep! Teletubbies. In addition to its unique name, buildings like this are stronger to withstand earthquakes or other shocks, even exposed to strong winds of up to 450 kilometers / hour are not able to knock down these unique buildings.

In 2018, the Teletubbies House Tourism Village was inaugurated as a new tourist destination in Yogyakarta. The trick is to color it and make it look colorful.


After Ngelepen Tourism Village, several villages in Indonesia followed this trend, the manager also invited several companies to participate in realizing Ngelepen Village as a tourist village.

Facilities available in Ngelepen Village


In addition to colorful houses that will spoil your eyes with color diversity, there is also Jeep transportation that is ready to take you around the village. Besides being able to immortalize with these Teletubbies Houses, you can also take pictures with the Jeep, which of course will further enhance your social media feed.

The size of Teletubbies House


Each dome house has an area of 38 square meters. With 2 floors in each house. The first floor contains a bedroom, dining room and living room. Then on the second floor contains a family room.  Although the house looks small and narrow, residents can maximize their homes. There are 2 doors in each house, one at the front and one at the back. At the front, there is a teritis roof to protect from sunlight or direct light into the house which will interfere with the homeowner's sense of sight and also when rain comes, the water cannot enter the house. The position of the window is also close to the door, usually totaling 2 windows in each house. Do not forget that the owner also includes air ventilation as a good circulation system and as house lighting.

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